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Sold? (64 Pierce)…a reader asks

Take note…flattery at the beginning of the paragraph grabs our attention and puts the email at the top of the list. Flattery at the end of the paragraph assures you can cut in line and get a quick response. A reader asks, [We answer].


First off, just wanted to say that I enjoy your blog.

I live near Duboce Park and I noticed a house at 64 Pierce with a For Sale sign on it (Listing from Hill & Co, I believe) and then gone in a few weeks. I can only guess that it sold very quickly. I stopped by the open house one Sunday. Nicely done, but not totally pimped out…on a nice block, a cul de sac leading into Duboce Park (which has pluses and minuses) with a listing price close to $2M. [$1,950,000]

First question…was wondering if it indeed sold and if you know any of the specifics. As a nearby homeowner, just wondering how “hot” (or not) the neighborhood is. [You had a 50/50 chance to guess correctly on whether it sold, but you chose wrong. Just be careful if you go to Vegas. It is withdrawn for the duration of summer, therefore did not sell…according to MLS. ]

Second question is that I noticed that it was not on MLS. I was wondering what your thoughts were about “To List” or “Not To List” on MLS. I am of the mindset that you want to expose your home to as many people as possible….even if it means a lot of “looky loos” stopping by the open house. MLS seems to reach a lot of people, so why potentially limit your pool of possible buyers? [It was listed on MLS 7/12/07 and withdrawn 8/2/07. Definitely “To List” on MLS is the best thing to do for maximum exposure. Even better is to list with one of us…obviously. ;-) ]

Thanks and keep up the good work. [Thanks for reading, writing in, and spreading the word!]


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