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280 Square feet for $245,000 (54B Woodward, a reader reports)

56bwoodward.jpg This is kindly brought to us by a reader with [our comments] thrown in.

“Check this out.

56B Woodward, which is on the boundary between western SoMa and the Mission is all of about 280 square feet and they want $245k. The studio apt looks to me like a cruise ship cabin, being on the bottom floor, with views looking up to street level through the smallish front window. The floors are faux wood overlay (there’s a name for this that begins with a p, but I can’t think of it [we gotcha…Parquetpergo]). Otherwise, it is an entirely unremarkable redo [would have to agree with you here]. It has been reduced once since being listed in January [originally $279,000].

I know this is San Francisco, but to me this property is absurdly priced with no parking and no extra storage [both are leased nearby, but where to put your shoes is the real question], and being a mere 7 feet wide and roughly 35 feet long. That’s over $800 a square foot. I would love to meet the chump [we’re rolling with this word, but prefer a kinder approach] who finally buys this place and interview him. The first question would be what he does for a living, and the second question would be whether he ever thought at his salary/career level he would be living in a closet.


We’d have to agree this is quite the place. Of course, if this doesn’t work for you, you could buy any of the other 6 TICs in the building…scratch that, 56 just went into contract and 54A is pending. So apparently this new price is creating some interest.

56B Woodward [mls]

6 TICs on Woodward [mls]

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