Louisa Dresser M.D.

I would like to thank my agent Alex Clark for his excellent and hard work in the past year for finding me the right place in this competitive market. My property just closed about one week ago, and I’m thrilled! I approached Alex over one year ago in search of a condo in downtown San Francisco. I had very specific and narrow requirements for the type of unit that I was looking for. I am a very busy professional with a challenging travel and work schedule. Alex was focused and determined to find me the right place with the right price. His swift approach and tireless work ethic helped me to secure the unit that meets all of my specs. He should be top of mind for anyone who would like to find a high-end piece of real estate in the city by the Bay. Alex is THE go-to-agent to have for your new home purchase!!!

Louisa L. Zhao Dresser M.D.
Attending Physician of Dept. of Internal Medicine
CPMC, California Pacific Medical Center
Sutter Healthcare System, San Francisco
The Geisel School of Medicine of Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Asst Professor of Clinical Medicine
Dept of Internal Medicine
Dept of Graduate Medical Education
Hua Shan Hospital
Fudan University School of Medicine
Shanghai, China
Director of Medicine Consult Service
OBGYN Fudan University Hospital & Jiai GIVF Institute Fairfax, VA
Shanghai, China