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We Made the Papers! But I must add…

Maybe my interview that ran in this article on SFGate, which will also be in the Sunday San Francisco Chronicle, wasn’t necessarily the best spin on what I actually said over the 45 minute conversation with Carol, but a little publicity is always good, and Carol does, for the most part, do a very good job reporting on the market and its idiosyncracies, and I thank her for it. However, there are a few things I must add based off of a lot of emails, and all the comments I’ve read around the internet regarding that column.

Yes, I firmly believe the market is still good, but nowhere in that very sentence or article did the words, “it’s always a good time to buy” come out of my mouth, so don’t jump to that conclusion about “all Realtors”. If you’d read the “walk down Lake Street” in its entirety, you would have seen it does represent what is happening in our market…some properties are selling quickly with multiple offers, some are getting stale, and some have had multiple price reductions and still not sold, and that is in a prime area like Lake St. That is what’s happening now, and you’ll never, ever, ever see me predict where things are going. I have no idea, nobody does, but if things continue the way they are, the future doesn’t look all that gloomy. However, to call my mood about the market “cheery” is a stretch, to say the least, but I’m cool with it Carol, really, I am.

Realtor haters (I read the comments on the SFGate article and get a fair bit of your animosity via email and in the comments, so I know you’re out there)… I’m determined to show you that what comes out of this site and the sfnewsletter is not Realtor talk and is truly the most accurate picture of what is happening in this market. By “this market”, I mean San Francisco. If you think all Realtors are created equal, you are so wrong. Any Realtor worth their weight would likely tell you the majority of their business comes from referrals, and you don’t get referrals if you do a shitty job.

If real estate is not your thing, don’t hate us. I could care less if you rent or own your property, but don’t think if you can’t buy in San Francisco, you can’t buy elsewhere. Personally, I have several properties around the country and would be happy to share my successes, and certainly failures. I do think now IS a good time to be buying in other markets though, as an investor. And for the record, I rent in San Francisco, and I’m totally pissed I missed the boat (two kids, astronomical mortgage payments, and a commission only career will put the fear of God in you), but I will buy as soon as I can.

Realtors…this whole argument I hear from a lot of you about people reading blogs and that “they’re just a bunch of angry renters”, is such B.S. You gotta stop hating on renters like that, and start regularly reading blogs like this. Even if you don’t agree with everything that comes out of them, there is a lot to be learned.

Now that I got that off my chest…

If you’re just joining us for the first time, welcome! We hope you keep coming back, begin providing insight, and participate lots to land yourself on the Stammtisch. Maybe we’ll have to have a Stammtisch gathering one of these days at one of my favorite restaurants, Suppenkuche.

So…back to blogging about this little obsession we all have called real estate….after a few margaritas, of course? Enjoy the long weekend, and thanks for reading!

What’s happening now in the reportedly stormy San Francisco housing market? [SFGate, Carol Lloyd]

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