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Best of San Francisco Real Estate

So I finally got off my ass and did another post for my Examiner Column. They asked us to to a “Best of” piece, and naturally I did “Best of San Francisco Real Estate”. Here it is, verbatim:

I’ve been asked to write a little column about the "Best of" San Francisco real estate, and I honestly have to chuckle. Asking me, a person that makes a living off of representing clients and writing about it, to talk about the "best" is a little bit tricky. I’ll try to put my ego aside and not tell you the best source for San Francisco real estate information is sfnewsletter or my blog, and the best agent in the city is yours truly. Instead, I’ll look at this with realistic eyes. So, here goes…my list of the Best of San Francisco Real Estate:

Best Source(s) for real estate information (there isn’t just one): –Public Access to the Multiple Listing Service. Yes, it’s totally available and totally free. Many agents are able to grant you even more detailed access through services like Clean Offer, so ask your agent about that too.
-"San Francisco Business Times" for all the "big" news and developments in the commercial, office, and new development world.
-Your Realtor. This is not a plug, but honestly, there are many sources for information online and in print, and they ALL lean to the negative, even the Examiner. Talk to your Realtor, and if they aren’t an annoying sales person or have ulterior motives, they should be able to give you the most accurate scoop.

Best Real Estate Agent in the city:
-If you look at transaction volume and caliber of sales, my pick would have to be Barbara Callan. She crushes it out of the park and it is quite impressive. Malin Giddings would be a close second.

Best looking agent in the city:
…well, that contest has come and gone, but the next is just around the corner…

Best Broker Website:
Even though I work for Zephyr Real Estate, I look at all of the sites out there and their site is hands down the most thorough and easy to navigate. Give it a look at

Best source for real time market trends (graphs):
Altos Research (This is a report I get for my sfnewsletter, they have multiple reports available to the public and agents. Free for buyers/sellers if your agent sends them to you.)

Best list of San Francisco Foreclosures:
Property Shark (Through sfnewsletter) They also have a ton of detailed information to help in your property search, so check out their site at

Best new technology real estate website:
Shock! It’s not Zillow. My pick is

Best High Rise New Development Project in San Francisco:
Millennium Tower

Best Neighborhood to purchase in and safe-guard against a failing economy:
Pacific Heights

Best Neighborhood to find an Eichler or any other mid-century gem in San Francisco:
Diamond Heights

Best map to be on the same page as your Realtor and know the districts when searching the MLS:
Reineck and Reineck

Best online real estate voyeur (street view) site:

Best Neighborhood to test your recent seismic retrofit:
The Marina

That’s all I can think of at the moment. If you have any other "bests", feel free to share in the comments.  Or check back as I’ll likely add a few more before all is said and done.

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