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The Of Real Estate Is Already Here. Realtors, You Just Need To Use It!

This is a screenshot of my Gmail inbox for the past two days. Yes, that’s only two days, and look at the opportunity!

In case you don’t click on that, or can’t read it, that’s five buyers looking for property, and five sellers that are not listing their home on MLS…in two days! And these are only the agents that have chosen to email blast the San Francisco Association of Realtors.

So, is there a need for agents to share both their off market listings (pocket listings) and their buyer needs all in one place? Is there a service that allows agents to do exactly that, FOR FREE? Is there a service that puts the in real estate? The answer to all of those questions is yes. It’s, and one of these days, maybe before I die, agents will begin to take advantage of the service we have created and get on the path to more happy clients.

To learn more about, how it works, and how you can create opportunity where none exists, simply visit the site, and check out the tutorial. It’s simple. It’s FREE. It’s already there, and it works. Just use it. Off Market Real Estate Network

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