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theFrontSteps Goes Tweet!


I’ve done the sfnewsletter, and this here blog for years now, and believe me when I say I love(d) every minute of it. They are both, quite simply, an incredible drain on time. So…I’m spending more time on my Twitter page talking about things…among them San Francisco real estate (of course). If I could figure out how to get my Sold Properties Reports to populate on Twitter, that would be a great thing! (Techies?)

I invite you to check it out, and be patient while I get through this busy spell and hopefully will resume blogging San Francisco Real Estate in the not so distant future, or move on to the next great thing to keep you informed on our market.

Oh…and we’re building a new site for all of you Realtors out there. Make sure you subscribe to receive our posts via email, so you don’t miss the launch of that technology, and a chance to DO MORE DEALS!

Tweet! Tweet!

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