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Dear Tenant, Love Landlord: Dear Landlord, Love Tenant

Here is an email exchange sent to us from a reader, and if this doesn’t put a laugh in your belly for this Friday, nothing will.

Dear Tenant,

For the last couple of months (April and May), your rent checks have been short by ten cents.

Your rent is $1,984.42, not $1,984.32.

Please issue new check for $1,984.42, and include the additional ten cents for the month of April, for a total of $1,984.52.

Upon receipt, [landlord] will return your May check of $1,984.32.

Any questions, do not hesitate to email or call me.


[landlord representative]

Tenant reply:

Dear [landlord],

Please tell [the landlord] to keep the rent check (which, as always was 2 days EARLY by the way) and I am going to be super generous and give her a WHOLE quarter ($0.25) in her mailbox. That should suffice.




Dear [Tenant]

THANKS FOR YOUR GENEROSITY BUT JUST GIVE [landlord] 20 CENTS. And next month, please provide a CORRECT amount for the rent.

Thank you.

And the kicker…

[Landlord] left an envelope at my door containing 5 cents change!


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