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Ask Us: So Why Do I Need A Real Estate Agent?

Where readers ask, and we (the community) try to answer:

Hey theFrontSteps —

Say I’ve I found a place I love, and they gave me the disclosure package, and I’ve got a bank ready to give me a loan, and I want to make an offer. I’ve talked with agents here and there, but never officially signed with one. Do I need to have an agent to put in an offer?

I know this question is chock full of conflict of interest. As an agent, I assume you’ll say yes, you need an agent. I know that agents are there to protect the buyer, but how do agents work with someone like me who’s already done a lot of legwork?

Your blog is always so candid, I thought if anyone would give me a straight answer, it’d be you.


ps – Feel free to use this as fodder for the blog.

Fodder it shall be, answer you already have, let’s see what some other people have to say.

[Update: For those that have already emailed and are wondering what our original reply was. Here you go:
“You get someone like me to represent you to hammer the other side down in price, terms,etc. Then you get someone like me to make sure that disclosure package covers your ass, and someone like me to help you determine a price, find inspectors, and make sure you ultimately get title to the home. Or you can go it alone, know that the money you think you are saving [on commissions] is actually going to the listing agent’s pocket, you can hope they’re looking out for your best interest, but never truly know, so you might consider hiring an attorney. You hire us for piece of mind and experience to get you through this painful process.

Sorry to be so curt but I’m outta town and reaching for a beer.

It’s kinda like wearing glasses or going for prk [laser correction eye surgery]. I’ll help you see it all clearly.”

Just don’t read this post, and certainly not this post or you’ll be turned off on agents forever.

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