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Reasons To Vote: A “Persuasive Essay” Written By A 10 Year Old

“In this country you you have the freedom to vote, and in other countries they die for the freedom to vote.

The first reason you should vote, is if you don’t vote others decide your future. If you don’t vote, don’t complain. If everybody doesn’t vote then a bad president might be elected. If you voted you might have made a big difference in the U.S. future. If you don’t vote you don’t have a say in democracy. Vote and be a part of America!

What the president does may affect you and everyone around you. If the preseident raises taxes then you might go broke. If a president gets elected and he/she isn’t very nice to the environment and pollutes and is not very eco friendly, then you might get sick. If a president uses oil and there is an oil spill then that is very bad for wildlife and kills animals. The president might get rid of gay marriage and that is a bad decision. If you can’t be gay, then you can’t be married, and that is not equal. You should vote for a good president so America will be happy. America doesn’t want a president that will start a war. If you vote then you’ll most likely get a good president and they might make more efficient things that will help citizens. They will maybe make healthcare and education more accessible, available, and affordable. You can’t change a situation by ignoring it.

Reason number three. Democracy only works if we vote. If citizens don’t vote then the government will decide for you. Also if we don’t vote, then the president will stay president, and what if that is a bad president? Plus polling places make it easier to vote. It only takes about 20 minutes to vote! America is lucky that we get to vote. Don’t waste the opportunity. You don’t want a King and Queen and a Monarch do you!?”

-It’s every so often that I share things close to me that have absolutely nothing to do with real estate. Thanks for reading.

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