Making Sense of SF’s Stupid Housing Measures

It’s an election year (as usual), and San Franciscans are voting on housing (as usual), and if you can’t make sense out of what you’re being asked to vote on then we can hardly blame you. This year’s two most hotly contested housing items have almost identical names and are in direct opposition to one … Continue reading Making Sense of SF’s Stupid Housing Measures

In the Spirit of Halloween and Election Season, Scary Technology that “Outs” Your Neighbors

Prop 8 is not one that encourages sedate emotion. People are either vehemently for it, or they are just as vehemently against it. The debate between the two camps, heated as it is, often erupts into full out fighting, which we all know from our rhetoric classes is actually the opposite effect civilized, fair debate … Continue reading In the Spirit of Halloween and Election Season, Scary Technology that “Outs” Your Neighbors