It’s F*cking Hot San Francisco! The (Un)official I Call In Sick (or not) On A San Francisco Heatwave Poll…

OMFG! The sun has finally come out (two days in a row), and it actually feels like summer in San Francisco. The beaches were more packed yesterday (Monday) than they get on a weekend. News helicopters were buzzing around town, restaurants (especially with outdoor seating) were packed, and we’re wondering just how many of you called in “sick” yesterday, and/or plan to call in “sick” today. Who can blame you after this wretched summer of fog we’ve been having.

We bring you the (un)official I call in sick (or not) on a San Francisco heatwave Poll:

I Call In Sick On A San Francisco Heatwaveonline survey

For more on the weather, perhaps Chopper can help brighten your day:

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