A friendly reminder that we moved to thefrontsteps.ORG

Hello all you RSS readers and other feeds. Just a friendly reminder that we did, in fact, move from here at theFrontSteps.com over to thefrontsteps.org. We plan on doing most, if not all, of our future real estate commentary over there. On that platform, you now have a voice too! We hope you come join us and tell your friends, thefrontsteps.org.

2 thoughts on “A friendly reminder that we moved to thefrontsteps.ORG

  1. FWIW – I am finding http://www.frontsteps.org exhausting. There is so much going on on the landing page that I am having a hard time getting engaged. I much prefer the clean layout of frontsteps.com or socketsite. sorry.

    Oh – and I miss posting anon.

    [Editor’s note: Thanks for the feedback. You can still post anon, just sign in on thefrontsteps.org with a different name/email. It’s as simple as that. ]

  2. I 2nd the top post. I HATE frontsteps.org because it hurts my eyes and brain..they layout is way too compact and busy.

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